Resources for Individuals
Alcoholics Anonymous
Known as the “Big Book,” the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism since the first edition appeared in 1939. Chapters describing the A.A. recovery program — the original Twelve Steps — and the personal histories of A.A.’s co-founders remain unchanged since the original, while new stories have been added to the personal histories with each edition.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
The “Twelve and Twelve” contains 12 essays by Bill W. that expand upon each of the Steps — the A.A. program of recovery — with helpful examples and personal insights, and another 12 that explain how the Traditions protect the unity of Alcoholics Anonymous. Originally published in Grapevine in 1952, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions is used today by A.A. members and groups worldwide.

Meeting Guide is a free-of-charge meeting finder app.
The app helps people find A.A. meetings and resources near them. Meeting Guide is available for iOS and Android smartphones.
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